Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Boy, I've really been a bad blogger lately, but there just haven't been enough hours in the day here lately to get everything done I would like to get done! Well, school is going great! I have the sweetest class ever! I really have a ton of scrap ideas I need to get out of me so this weekend I'm gonna try to focus on doing some good stuff. I also haven't taken the time to check out the new calls so I'm gonna spend some time looking at those too! Maybe I have some scrappy stuff that is publishable! I was on a publishing high this past year, but it's slowed down to nothing because I haven't submitted anything. I have no idea why, but maybe I can get the ball rolling again! Anyway, here are some DT assignments I did for Imagine, Create, Scrap using 3 Bugs in a Rug stuff. Okay, I'm out! Be Blessed!!