Sunday, March 05, 2006

All By Myself

Okay, this morning I did something I haven't done in about a year. I got out of bed, used the bathroom, put on my workout clothes( I had to search to find them!) opened my front door, and walked. Yes, I actually walked! Up to about a year ago I was an avid walker. Every morning my neighbor and I would hit the streets at 5:30 a.m.! Boy did I feel great then! Well, my neighbor moved and suddenly I found myself paralyzed when it came to walking. It was like since she was gone I couldn't walk anymore! I know, really crazy but true! Sadly to say, since then I've gained back all of the weight I worked so hard to lose! But it's gonna be alright because I'm back! And like a big girl I'm walking all by myself! Here's one of my favorite pages, Flower. Have a great day!