Friday, April 07, 2006

Where Is Your "Comfy" Place?

My girl Becky( Owner of, asked the question on her blog, "Do you have a comfy place in your home where you consider it your sanctuary?" Now, I really liked this question because it caused me to actually stop and ask myself, " Where in my home am I most comfortable?" At first I thought about my bedroom, but I didn't chose there because I share it with Gregory. Then I thought about my bathtub and decided against that too because I can't take a bath without someone knocking on the door! Then it hit me. I know the exact spot in my home where I am always at peace! No matter what's going on or what time of day, I can always find the peace and comfort I so need by sitting in my scrap chair. Yep! My scrapping chair is my cure all! When I sit in it, the chair seems to absorb all my stress and worries! Here is a page I made featuring Michael called, "Love That Face". I really like this page because my journaling is really good. I talk about when I found out I was pregnant with Michael and how our family reacted. Have a fabulous weekend!!