Monday, June 12, 2006

On My Soapbox!

How many of you tried out for the My Mind's Eye design team? Well I made the pages I posted in my last blog entry for the contest, but I never got them in to MME! Did anyone else have trouble with their e-mail coming back saying MME's mailbox was full? I sure did! I know I sent, re-sent, and sent my entry in at least 6 times before I got tired of sending it! Don't get me wrong. I totally love MME! They have some of the most beautiful papers out there , but I don't like how they handled the the process of submitting. Okay, I'm done! On a lighter note, have you seen this blog: ? It is totally fabulous! They have (it seems like) everyone's blog listed here and if yours isn't, just e-mail it to them and you'll be on it lickity split!! To my surprise mine was posted on there when I went to check it out! Go check it out and all of the blog entries. It is very cool!! Here is a page I did of Ms. Brittany when she was 2 years old. She was such a cutie pie, girly girl baby!! Well, she still is!! Be Blessed!!