Friday, March 03, 2006

What a terrible blogger I am! I haven't made a single post since December 2005! I really don't know why except for the reason I've been just too doggone lazy to do it! I must admit that there is something theraputic in the whole "blogging bit" and Lord knows I need as much therapy as I can get!! But in my own defense, I did think of posting several times . It's just that when I got on my computer, I went to every scrap site I could find instead of blogging!! Well, now I've decided to give it a go again and this time I will be successful at updating at least twice a week! Hey, I'm just keeping it real because I know that I won't do it more than twice a week! I've had plenty to talk about so I'll just keep posting until I'm up to speed. I've been scrapping like a crazy woman too! But the best thing to happen to me was I was chosen to be on the design team for an upcoming rocking new site called, Scrap-Tastic (!!! It's scheduled to open in April, so bookmark this site so you can visit us! Here is a page I did of Brittany in honor of her seventeenth birthday (My, where did the time go?)

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