Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm Back!

So I'm back from D.C. and I had a wonderful time! My cousins were soooo much fun! They're crazy I tell ya!! My cousin's house is gorgeous too!! She has SIX BATHROOMS!!! That's right, I said SIX!! Anyway, I hadn't seen them since my brother's funeral (which wasn't a fun time for anyone) so we really had a good time. I did a lot of scrapping while I was there so I came back with lots to upload!

Before I left, I went in for a visit with my nutritionist and my diabetes counselor. All I can say is I thought I knew so much about food before this visit. Now I know I knew nothing! What a wealth of knowledge these ladies have!! Anyway, I got a food plan from my nutritionist Michelle and I have been dedicated in following it. This lady really knows what she's doing. She taught me what food combinations I should eat at each meal and explained to me the rationale behind it. It totally made sense. Here are the biggest things I learned.

1. Carbohydrates and sugars are synonyms because all carbs turn into sugar!
2. Do not waste money on fat-free items. Manufacturers replace the missing fat with carbs! (which is sugar to
make up for the missing taste!)
3. Just because something is fat-free doesn't mean that it's low in calories!
4. Protien is our friend!
6. Portion control is the biggest factor in losing and maintaining our desired weight!
7. Eat regular food in smaller controlled portions. This way you won't feel deprived!
8. Use a measuring cup to measure out your portions.
9. Do not skip meals!
10. Don't say you are on a diet. You are simply making positive changes in your life-long eating habits!

I could go on for days with the valuable information I learned, but I won't! Hey, following my food plan I lost
4 pounds while I was in D.C.!! And I ate what everyone else ate, just smaller portions! I'm feeling really good guys!!

Here is one of the pages I made while on vacation. It's actually a remake of a page I did over a year ago that I never liked. Take care of yourself and be blessed!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

D.C. Baby!!

Well, in the morning I'll be flying to Washington D.C. to attend the Great American Scrapbook Convention with two of my favorite ,crazy, scrap-happy cousins! I am sooooo excited I could scream! One of my cousins lives there so I'll be chilling with her and her family until Monday. I am super-psyched to go, but Gregory and Michael seem to be losing their minds over it! Gregory decided to pick an arguement with me so that I would be mad and maybe say I wasn't going. YEAH RIGHT!! DREAM ON BROTHER!!! Why are men so much like little boys? They both act just alike except one is 50 and the other is 4!! I have a big one and a little one flipping out over here because Momma is gonna be gone away without them! Michael is sticking to me like glue! I can't even go to the bathroom without him coming too! I guess I should be happy that someone cares, but they sure have a weird way of showing it!! Now all Brittany was worried about was if I was gonna let her have the keys to my car so she can go crazy this weekend too! Hey, if anybody is gonna be there, be on the lookout for me!! I look just like my avatar...just a whole lot bigger!!(LOL- I know that was corny!!) Anyway, here is a page I did called," Life Without You? Never!" Be blessed!

Monday, June 19, 2006

So I'm Not Mad Anymore

I know I was complaining about not being able to get my submission in to MME, but not I am sooooo excited for the new members cause I know 2 of the lucky scrappers and let me tell you that they ROCK!!! DT member Rachel C. from Scraptastic and former Scrap-Tastic DT member Michelle W. are fabulously talented!!! Oh, did I mention that these ladies are not only fantastic scrapper's, but they are truly sweet and wonderful women as well. The entire team is stellar and they couldn't have chosen a finer team! So, CONGRATULATIONS ladies!!

I've been working on trying some new stuff in my pages lately. I see so many cool things people are doing with their stuff , so I thought it might be fun to try some! Here is a page I did called,"Lil' Cutie Pie". It features Britt when she was 9. Gotta go! Be blessed!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

On My Soapbox!

How many of you tried out for the My Mind's Eye design team? Well I made the pages I posted in my last blog entry for the contest, but I never got them in to MME! Did anyone else have trouble with their e-mail coming back saying MME's mailbox was full? I sure did! I know I sent, re-sent, and sent my entry in at least 6 times before I got tired of sending it! Don't get me wrong. I totally love MME! They have some of the most beautiful papers out there , but I don't like how they handled the the process of submitting. Okay, I'm done! On a lighter note, have you seen this blog: ? It is totally fabulous! They have (it seems like) everyone's blog listed here and if yours isn't, just e-mail it to them and you'll be on it lickity split!! To my surprise mine was posted on there when I went to check it out! Go check it out and all of the blog entries. It is very cool!! Here is a page I did of Ms. Brittany when she was 2 years old. She was such a cutie pie, girly girl baby!! Well, she still is!! Be Blessed!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I really don't have anything to talk about today. I'm feeling good, having a nice day. I sat and actually scrapped all day and that was nice. So, I'm just gonna share what I made. Be Blessed!

Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm A Thief!!

So, those of you with small children or anyone who has had children will probably relate to this story. Well, I had some errands to run this morning and it was gonna be a trip with only Michael (4 years old) and myself. I knew to take all the regular precautions one must take when taking a 4 year old boy to run errands. I fed him, made sure he had pottied, let him choose his favorite small toy for the car, threatened him with bodily know, all the usual stuff . Anyway, we went several places and all went well! We even went to Wal Mart to shop in the Garden area! We browsed, chose some bedding plants, checked out and went home. He had been so good that I let him choose where we would have lunch, which was Burger King. Well, as I unloaded the car I noticed there were some barbecue tools laying on the back seat. It was a spatula, a grill brush, and some tongs. I wondered how the heck they got there because I didn't buy them. I asked Michael but all I could get out of him was "From the store, Mommy." Then it hit me. When we were in Wal Mart I was looking at them and I said I needed some new ones. I did pick them up, but I put them back on the rack. Well, this is a time when having a child with autism and a language delay isn't so good. I know Michael must have picked them up and carried them out of the store, but he couldn't tell me. All he could tell me was where they came from. Hey, that's actually a great thing! 6 months ago he couldn't tell me that! So there you have it. I'm a thief! And no I didn't take them back. I think I'm gonna use them tonight!(LOL) Here's a page I did for a challenge between myself and the fabulous Tiffany B-J. Be Blessed!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

WOW!! What a week!!

So this is the first week of my summer vacation and man does it feel good! I don't think I've looked decent all week! (LOL) Gregory has started looking at me really funny, but he hasn't said anything yet. I know he's wondering why I haven't had on any make-up, done my hair, and worn these same old sweat pants and tee-shirt all week! I have been showering though(LOL)! My scanner broke and I was all messed up because with it being the first of the month, I had projects to upload and I couldn't scan them! Uuggg!!! I did get a new one and I'm back in business. Anyway, guess who made the Paper House Design Team??? Yep! That would be MEEEEEE!! I'm so doing the happy dance! In honor of that I'm gonna give you two layouts!! On My Cutie Pie the paper is SEI ( I'm loving their new stuff!) and on Love You the paper and stickers are from 3 Bugs in a Rug Sugar collection. Be Blessed!!!