Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Back To Work!

So this was my first week back at work. I am sooooo tired!! You would think that after teaching 15 years, I would'nt be so tired! I think I forget how much work we do and how much preparation it takes to get your classroom ready for a new year. This week only the staff is back. The kids don't come until next week! Now, that will be a week! My own kids start next week too, so I'm gonna have to get back into cracking the whip to get them going every morning! Well, I think it's past my bedtime! Oh, Here's the layout I did for round 2 of the ScrapsAhoy Idol Contest. I want to thank everyone who went to ScrapsAhoy to vote for me! And with your help, I made it to the 3rd round!! I'm gonna ask for your help again, but for now I just want to say thank you!! Take care and be blessed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait for school to start!!! Oh, I'm such a bad mom for even saying those words out loud! LOL Yeah, we need some whippin' around here as well. This going to bed at 11p and getting up at 10a isn't going to work too well when school starts next week!