Sunday, March 12, 2006


I've always considered myself to be a reasonably calm, laid-back kinda gal, but lately I haven't been all that calm. Let me tell you that it's not the easiest thing to be a mother of a 19 year old college female, a 17 year old high school junior female, and a 4 year old son with autism! Actually, the first child and the last child aren't that big of a challenge, but that 17 year old......let us pray!! Lord have mercy on me so I don't kill this child!! It must be her age because she has always been the sweetest and easiest of my children. She's always done well in school, she's always been the most obedient, and always the most pleasant- that is until she turned 16. It's been all down hill since then in the attitude department! Mom tells me that I was the same way and that she will return to her wonderfully former personality in about another year. She then goes into hysterics and tells me that PAYBACK is a fabulous thing! Here's a page I did of Michael yesterday. Enjoy your day!!

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